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My program currently has a Conditional License. How does this affect my rating with Rising Stars for ME?

Jun 5, 2024 | Rising Stars

Programs with a Conditional License must be enrolled with Rising Stars for ME to comply with licensing regulations. The rating given to programs with a Conditional License is Star 2 Restricted. This rating recognizes the program’s participation with Rising Stars for ME and that it is not currently in good standing with licensing, which is required for programs to rate at Star 2 or higher. 

Unlike the previous system, Quality for ME, programs that resolve their Conditional License and are again given a full license are allowed to reapply for a new Rising Stars for ME immediately. In the past, programs with “serious licensing violations” were held at a lower Step for up to three years. With Rising Stars for ME, programs can complete an application to reach their previous rating and there are no restrictions on when the program can apply for a higher rating. 

Programs with a Conditional License will receive a new “Star 2 Restricted” certificate with an updated expiration date to align with the Conditional License expiration date. This certificate must be displayed in the program for the duration of the Conditional License. 

If you have general questions about the Rising Stars for ME application or Standards, please visit the Office of Child and Family Service’s Rising Stars for ME website or email risingstarsforme@maine.edu