MRTQ Registry Membership Privacy Policy
Maine Roads to Quality Professional Development Network (MRTQ PDN) values your privacy and takes the protection of information contained in the Registry seriously. MRTQ PDN is located at the University of Southern Maine and is afforded the protections provided by the University’s data security systems. All data on the web-based Registry is transmitted in a secure encrypted format. The data is stored in an encrypted database behind USM’s firewall.
The questions and answers below explain what data we collect, why we collect this data, and who else has access to some of this data.
What data does the Registry collect about me?
MRTQ PDN collects the data fields listed below from online and paper Registry enrollment forms, updates provided by the member through online interface, written and personal contact by phone or email, and by duly authorized program representatives, such as employers, training agencies or technical assistance providers.
Data Field | Data Source |
1. Personal Identifying information (first name, last name, middle initial, prior last name, date of birth, and last five digits of the social security number) | Individual member (agreed to with signature on application) |
2. Personal Contact information (street address, town, county, and phone number) | Individual member |
3. Demographics (race, ethnicity, and gender) | Individual member |
4. Employment Information (name of program, program’s state license number, street and mailing address, county, phone number, job title and employment status – full or part time, and ages of children with whom member works) | Individual member or authorized individual or employer |
5. Education (highest level of education, name of institution beyond high school, degree granted, major, course number and name for related college course work, and semester credits were earned) | Individual member or authorized individual |
6. Credential Information (name of credential and expiration date) | Individual member or authorized individual |
7. Training information (date of training, name of training, total training hours earned, location, and training sponsor) | Individual member or authorized organization or individual |
Why does MRTQ ask for my date of birth (D.O.B.) and Social Security Number (SSN)?
Although date of birth and Social Security number (last 5 digits only) are optional fields and members are not required to provide them, MRTQ PDN uses these data fields to ensure that each Registry member has only one record in the database. This ensures that all training, education, and employment records for any individual Registry member can be accurately applied to the appropriate record. Once a birth date and/or SSN is entered into the member’s record, the data fields are masked and only available to MRTQ Registry staff for identification purposes. MRTQ PDN does not share this data with any partners for any reason.
How can I access and update my MRTQ Registry Record?
Each Registry member can access their Registry record by using the credentials [user name (email) and password] set up when completing the Registry application. Once logged in, Registry members can update contact information, employment information, job title and responsibilities, ages of children with whom they work, and enter unverified elective training and college course work. Members may also contact MRTQ Registry staff by mail, email, or phone to have data updated. MRTQ staff are required to verify all training and college course work/degrees and will do so in the order that documentation is received. MRTQ Registry members can print a copy of their Professional Development Profiles containing all verified education, training hours, and credentials.
Who else has access to my data and for what purpose?
MRTQ PDN maintains partnerships with the Maine Department of Health and Human Services, statewide agencies that provide support services to individuals and early care and education programs, and individual child care programs. Additionally, MRTQ PDN maintains partnerships with national partners, such as national accrediting bodies and organizations that award national early education credentials. MRTQ PDN partners are required to have a signed Memorandum of Understanding and Confidentiality Agreement which is kept on file at MRTQ PDN in order to access or receive data.
Individuals and MRTQ PDN partners may include, but are not limited to:
- MRTQ PDN staff, as administrators of the Registry, may view and update all program and individual information to ensure that both the individual’s Registry record is up to date and reflects all professional development, and to ensure that all licensed programs can meet the qualifications required by local, state, and national organizations.
- MRTQ PDN staff, contracted trainers/technical assistance providers, and relevant State agencies and programs may access this information to verify Career Lattice Level and training attendance, provide technical assistance to individuals and early care and education programs, and to support individual professional development.
- Licensed child care Program Directors who have been granted access to the MRTQ Registry may view the following data of their own employees: name, Registry level, job title, date of initial employment, highest level of education, and ages of children with whom the employee works. Program Directors will be granted this privilege to keep staffing records for their programs current to meet Rising Stars for ME program staffing records, licensing requirements, and for reports for national accreditation.
- MRTQ PDN provides Rising Stars for ME and relevant state agencies with child care staffing data including names of employees, job titles, Registry level, and ongoing educational and training data.
Additionally, the Registry may provide summary data that does not identify any individual member to researchers and other partners for workforce planning, research and evaluation, and informing the public about work force qualifications.
MRTQ Policy Changes and Updates
Any future changes to this or other policies will be posted on this website and will go into effect 30 days after posting.
Elective Training Verification Policy
MRTQ PDN strongly encourages Registry members to enter their elective training hours online.
- Registry members should enter elective training hours into their online record in a timely manner.
- Once the elective training has been entered online, the Registry member must forward a signed copy of the training certificate to verify attendance.
- Upon receipt of training attendance documentation, MRTQ Registry staff will verify the member’s attendance at the elective training. Please allow 4-6 weeks for verification.
- Once verified by MRTQ Registry staff, the submitted paperwork will be destroyed.
Once a Registry member has access to their account online, it is easy to add training, modify employment and other personal information, and ensure that member information is up to date.
I have set up online access, now how do I enter my elective training?
- Go to:
- Login in as a Returning User, entering your user name and password
- Go to the My Training drop down menu and choose “Elective Training”
- Click on “Enter new elective training”
- Enter the name, date, location, and hours of the training offered
- Click the save button
- Once you complete this online process, please scan and email a copy of your training certificate to:
- If scanning and emailing is unavailable to you, please mail copies to:
Maine Roads to Quality, Muskie School of Public Service
University of Southern Maine
PO Box 9300, 34 Bedford Street
Portland, ME 04104-9300
- Please allow 4-6 weeks for verification.
What do I do if I have questions about this process?
Please feel free to contact us with any questions. You may reach Eric Norgaard at or call 1-888-900-0055.
Career Lattice Level Appeal Policy
Upon final processing of a Maine Roads to Quality Registry application, members are mailed a welcome packet which contains a letter welcoming the member to the Registry. This letter informs the member of their Registry Level and outlines the process of appeal if the member feels that they should be considered as a different Level on the Career Lattice. Members can contact MRTQ PDN at any time if they feel their Registry Level does not reflect their education, work experience, or training history appropriately.
If a member on the MRTQ Registry is not satisfied with their placement, they should pursue the following steps:
- Contact the Registry Manager to review the application process to ensure that all necessary documentation was included with the application and entered into the member’s record correctly. If there is no resolution to the member’s concern, the member should request in writing within 30 days after the initial review for an additional review. The member must submit in writing what level they feel is appropriate and provide any additional documentation to support the request for review.
- Upon receipt of a written appeal, the Registry Manager will convene, within 10 working days, an ad hoc Appeals Committee consisting of the MRTQ PDN Director (or designee) and a Registry member working in the same setting as the appealing member. The committee will review the written appeal and take action. If the member’s appeal is found to have merit, a new Registry certificate will be issued. If the appeal is denied, the member will be informed in writing of the committee’s decision and rationale.
- If the member wishes to take the appeal action further, they will be directed to take the appeal to the Department of Health and Human Services. The Department of Health and Human Services will follow their internal processes and make a final decision about the appeals request. At this point, MRTQ PDN is not part of appeals process and will be guided by the state’s decision regarding the member’s Registry level. MRTQ PDN also has no input at this point concerning any time table for the final appeals process.
Fraud Policy
MRTQ PDN defines fraud as the intentional misrepresentation of information to gain an unfair advantage over an individual or a system. Examples of possible fraud with the Maine Roads to Quality Registry include, but are not limited to:
- Certificate of training attendance manipulation
- Transcript/diploma distortion
- Falsified application information
- Falsified work history/résumé
MRTQ PDN attempts to safeguard against fraud by requiring the applicant to sign the release statement on the application that states that the information is complete and accurate, the applicant is responsible for the information included on the application, and the documentation provided is accurate. MRTQ PDN relies on the signed Registry release statement and assumes that the information provided on the application and supporting documentation is accurate and truthful unless there is clear evidence to indicate otherwise. Participants may unknowingly, and therefore unintentionally, misrepresent training and/or degrees when submitting training certificates or college transcripts. Participants will be contacted if MRTQ PDN staff has questions or concerns about education/training documentation, and will be notified that the documentation in question cannot be entered into the Registry record without further information.
Fraud Follow-up
The suspicion of fraud will be handled on an individual basis with the understanding that participants may unknowingly, and therefore unintentionally, misrepresent work experience and/or training submitted to the Registry. Any suspicion of fraud will be noted as an area of concern within the MRTQ database notes section. If suspect documentation is resubmitted and still raises concerns, the document(s) will be assessed by the MRTQ PDN leadership staff with input from the MRTQ PDN Advisory Council, if necessary. If concern remains at this point the documents will be returned to the Registry member by mail accompanied by a letter detailing why the information will not be included in the member’s Registry record and outlining any further actions that MRTQ PDN may be required to pursue. Providers who wish to pursue further action should follow the MRTQ Career Lattice Level Appeal Policy above.