

Has your program been thinking about National Accreditation but you feel you’ll never get through the process without support?

Is your renewal date for accreditation coming up and you’d like an opportunity to meet with other programs to review the standards and update documentation?

Have you met the eligibility requirements including completing the necessary training to apply for a Maine credential but are having trouble getting motivated on your own?

MRTQ PDN has the answer!


MRTQ PDN offers cohorts to support programs seeking or maintaining national accreditation (National Association of Family Child Care, National Association for the Education of Young Children, or Council on Accreditation) and for individuals compiling the necessary evidence to earn one of the Maine credentials: Director, Family Child Care, Inclusion, Infant/Toddler, Technical Assistance, or Youth Development.

The Technical Assistance Competencies for Maine’s Early Childhood Workforce defines peer-to-peer networks (cohorts, communities or practice, professional learning communities)  as “groups of practitioners engaging to improve their skills and knowledge through collaborative study, expertise exchange, and professional dialogue.”  The cohort model provides an opportunity for the same group of individuals or programs to proceed towards achieving a common goal within the same timeframe.

A cohort consists of between 6 and 12 members and a facilitator.
Cohorts meet monthly for 2 hours either in person or through video conferencing.
Depending on the focus, cohorts convene for between 6 and 18 months,
The facilitator manages the logistics of the cohort meetings, keeps the meetings on track and meaningful, and helps to build a sense of community and belonging for each cohort member.
Cohort members are responsible for regular attendance and completion of all tasks agreed upon by the group between meetings.

Cohorts are FREE and participants will earn MRTQ PDN professional growth activity hours* based on meeting attendance.

* Hours attended are accepted by Maine Child Care Licensing to meet yearly training requirements.

Thinking about joining an Accreditation Cohort?

Thinking about joining a Credential Cohort?