Join facilitated discussions driven by YOU!

According to educational theorist Etienne Wenger, communities of practice (also known as “CoPs”) are “groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.”  CoPs are not training; they are a different type of professional development where the content is driven by the participants.

MRTQ PDN offers free facilitated CoP groups around the state in two categories:

    • Regional and Topical CoPs generally meet monthly, for approximately two hours. They meet in all regions of Maine and are open for new members any time. 
    • Collaborative Partnerships CoPs are groups who work with dedicated external partners towards a focused objective (for example: opening a new child care program). They support a reflective process, and build capacity around particular content and topics.  They have a limited membership and new members are added only when they have common goals.

There are a number of reasons to participate, including to:

Build relationships with peers
Share and exchange knowledge
Support each other to use evidence-based practices
Identify internal and external expertise
Problem solve issues from the field
Receive professional growth activity hours

Share it with your team!

Community of Practice Brochure

Join a Community of Practice near you!

Did you know attendees at CoP meetings will receive professional growth hours
as an acknowledgement of their attendance?