Core Knowledge Training denotes a standardized set of curricula covering the following eight Core Knowledge Areas:
Healthy, Safe Environments
Child Development
Developmentally Appropriate Practice
Observation and Assessment
Relationships with Families
Individual & Cultural Diversity & Inclusion
Business & Professional Development

What are the benefits of enrolling in Core Knowledge Training?
Core Knowledge Training offers a consistent body of knowledge regarding best practices in early childhood education and out-of-school time programming for both new and experienced practitioners. Core Knowledge Training can be used:
- To move practitioners up the first four Levels of the Direct Care, Public School, and Legal, Unregulated Career Lattices.
- Toward earning a Maine Credential.
- To meet training requirements for national accreditation.
- Toward earning a Child Development Associate Credential (CDA).
- To meet annual training requirements of Child Care Licensing.
MRTQ PDN Faciliated Trainings: Spring and Fall Sessions
Spring Session (January 1st – June 30th)
Training Calendar available December 1st
Fall Session (July 1st – December 31st)
Training Calendar available June 1st
Caring for Infants & Toddlers & Their Families (Spring/Fall)
Collaborating with Others to Support Inclusion (Spring/Fall)
Creating Equitable Early Learning Communities (Spring/Fall)
Creating Quality Outdoor Spaces (Spring/Fall)
Creating Inclusive Youth Development Settings (Spring)
Designing Early Learning: Curriculum and Assessment in Preschool (Spring/Fall)
Early Childhood Education: Theory to Practice (Spring)
Engaging in Professional Development with Adult Learners (Spring/Fall)
Environments in Early Care & Education (Spring/Fall)
Foundations of Health, Wellness, & Safety (Spring/Fall)
Foundations of Coaching (Spring)
Foundations of Collaborative Consultation (Fall)
Foundations of Mentoring (Spring/Fall)
Foundations of Peer-to Peer Networks (Spring)
Foundations of Relationship-Based Technical Assistance (Fall)
Foundations of Universal Design and Individualizing (Fall)
Inclusive Child Care (Spring/Fall)
Infant & Toddler Maine Early Learning and Development Standards (Spring/Fall)
Links to Learning: Curriculum Planning in Out-of-School Time (Spring)
Maine Child Care Leadership 1: Building Foundation for Quality (Spring/Fall)
Maine Child Care Leadership 2: Leadership in Early Childhood and Out-of-School Time Programs Today (Spring/Fall)
Maine Child Care Leadership 3: Transforming Leaders and Programs (Spring/Fall)
Maine’s Early Learning and Development Standards (Spring/Fall)
Partners in Caring: Families & Caregivers (Spring/Fall)
Positive Support and Challenging Behaviors (Spring/Fall)
Social and Emotional Learning – Birth to Age 5 (Spring/Fall)
Stress Happens: Transforming Your Relationship to Stress (Spring/Fall)
Strengthening Business Practices (Spring/Fall)
Working with School-Age Children and Youth (Fall)
Need more information about Core Knowledge Training?